Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How Introverts Communicate

# Keep energy, enthusiasm and excitement to themselves. Introverts hesitate before sharing personal information.
# Need time to think before they respond. Introverts need time to reflect before reacting.
# Prefer communicating one to one. People with introverted personality traits don’t like parties and groups as much as extroverts do.
# May occasionally think they told you something they didn’t, because they’re “always going over things in their head.”
# Need to be invited to speak or be drawn out. Introverts tend to prefer written over verbal communication

10 Tips on Talking to People

# Set a time to discuss big issues. This gives introverts time to prepare their thoughts.
# Let introverts talk – don’t interrupt. “It takes energy for introverts to start talking again,” says Dr Laney in The Introvert Advantage.
# Occasionally communicate in writing. Introverts may prefer written communication because it’s less stimulating.
# Ask questions, such as what happened during the day. Introverts may need to be drawn out.
# Give them a chance to talk. Offer silence, which may prompt people with introverted personality traits to share their thoughts.
# Be comfortable with silence. Introverts generally like it quiet – but they also enjoy spending time with others. Quietly.
# Repeat what you heard them say. Ask introverts if your summary was accurate.
# Use nonverbal communication. According to Laney, shoulder pats, hand holding, kisses on the cheek are effective ways to “talk” to people with introverted personality traits.
# Appreciate how much energy it takes introverts to be with people – whether it’s a group or just you. Show your appreciation.
# Get comfortable with a different conversational pace. Learn to value how introverts communicate - because it is different than people with extroverted personality traits!

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